Water for Women

ARTFARM is happy to be working with Canadian clown and landscape architect Jonathon Ellison in his efforts to help provide access to clean water to village-women's associations in Senegal.
Donations made to WATER FOR WOMEN through ARTFARM go directly to support this project.
Water for Women uses silliness beyond belief. One clown uses humor and trust to listen to village women of Senegal speak of their agricultural, social and economic challenges within their community gardens. With the help of local womens’ NGO’s, the village women then get to choose workshops on management, women’s banking, women & the mechanics of water, sustainable land-planning, improved diets and nutrient intake, and women growing food as an economic engine. This long-term process then targets financial assistance to achieve a drilled well, an electric pump, no more pulling water by hand, a seed library of diverse foods, and year-round access to clean ground water powered by the sun. This unique and sustainable approach has been inspired, amongst other things, by listening to women speak of wanting to leave a more-equitable livelihood for their daughters.